Got it Covered! (Timing Cover Maintenance)
June 27, 2021
You may have heard at one time or another about something called a timing belt or timing chain in your engine. And you may know that if they fail well, let's just way that there can be some major engine damage. So obviously, we want our timing belts and chains to be in tip-top shape. One part t... More

Your Vehicle is Talking to YOU (Service Warning Signs)
June 20, 2021
Your vehicle may be like that famous battery bunny, the one that just keeps going and going. But while it may seem sometimes like you never need to take your vehicle in to be worked on, there are some things you should keep your eyes, ears and nose out for. They are warning you about something t... More

Are There Blind Spots in Huntersville?
June 13, 2021
All Huntersville drivers have blind spots and no, I'm not talking about the fact that you really don't sing like Adele. I mean the areas of the road that you can't see when you're driving around Huntersville.First let's talk about our own blinds spots, and then we can talk about others...To beg... More

Give it the Boot (Ball Joint Boot Replacement)
June 6, 2021
Your vehicle may be wearing boots right now and you might not even know it. They're called ball joint boots. They're actually protective, flexible things that protect parts of your suspension (called ball joints) from all the hazards the road can fling at them. If one of those ball joint boots... More