Chilly Warning (Diagnosing a Noise in Cold Vehicle)
March 27, 2022
When the weather gets colder, sometimes the noises your vehicle makes will change. For example, you may notice a whining sound when you get going in the morning. It may go away when the vehicle warms up, but it's best not to ignore that sound because it could be a warning of worse things to com... More

Does My Choice in Oil Affect Change Intervals?
March 20, 2022
Oil changes are probably the most recognized service on a vehicle. Almost all Huntersville residents know about them. But do we know enough?Several decades ago, oil changes were fairly standard: every three months or 3,000 miles or 5,000 kilometers. But recent advances in both engine technology ... More

Battery Replacement at Tuffy Tire & Auto Huntersville in Huntersville
March 13, 2022
Hello, welcome to Tuffy Tire & Auto Huntersville. Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Huntersville runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Tuffy Tire & Auto Huntersville are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our... More

In a Fog (Fogged Windows in Cold Weather)
March 6, 2022
It's bad enough in cold weather when ice and snow block your visibility. Add to that fog on the inside of your windows and you could be driving blind. So here are a few tips on how to keep your windows from fogging up when there's a chill in the air. You probably know fog is really condensation... More